db command + subcommands

The db command is used with a number of subcommands to create and configure database instances. More information about database configuration can be found on the Configuring Databases page.


The aws_ subcommands are used to interact with the Amazon Web Services Relational Database Server (RDS) cloud service.

db get_config


db get_config

Display the current setting of the database (database_url).


[psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:1]$ db get_config
Current database setting (database_url):

db use_local_file


db use_local_file [<filename>]

Switch the current database to a local SQLite file with name <filename> (default is participants.db), or enter without filename and provide name when prompted.


Setting database to a local SQLite file:

[psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:1]$ db use_local_file
Enter the filename of the local SQLLite database you would like to use [default=participants.db]: example.db
Updated database setting (database_url):
[psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:1]$

db use_aws_instance


db use_aws_instance [<instance_id>]

Switch the current database to a given instance <instance_id> on AWS RDS. Enter without an argument to display a list of instances from which to choose.


Using an RDS database instance:

[psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:0]$ db use_aws_instance mydb
Switching your DB settings to use this instance.  Are you sure you want to do this? y
enter the master password for this instance: PasswordXXXXX
AWS RDS database instance mydb selected.
Here are the available database tables
Enter the name of the database you want to use or a new name to create a new one: myexp
Successfully set your current database (database_url) to

db aws_list_regions


db aws_list_regions

Lists available AWS regions.


psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:1]$ db aws_list_regions
Avaliable AWS regions:
     us-east-1 (currently selected)

db aws_get_region


db aws_get_region

Displays the current AWS region you are communicating with.


[psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:1]$ db aws_get_region

db aws_set_region


db aws_set_region [<region_name>]

Sets the AWS region you are currently using to <region-name>. Enter without an argument to display a list of regions from which to choose.


Setting region to us-west-1:

[psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:1]$ db aws_set_region us-west-1
Region updated to  us-west-1

db aws_list_instances


db aws_list_instances

List instances and statuses in the current region/AWS account.


  1. Listing instances when there are none active in your region:

    [psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:1]$ db aws_list_instances
    There are no DB instances associated with your AWS account in region  us-east-1
  2. Listing instances when there is an active instance in your region:

    [psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:0]$ db aws_list_instances
    Here are the current DB instances associated with your AWS account in region  us-east-1
           Instance ID: mydb
           Status: available

db aws_create_instance


db aws_create_instance [<instance_id> <size> <username> <password>

Create an RDS instance using MySQL on the AWS cloud, with the given instance id, size, username, password, and database name. db aws_create_instance can also be run interactively by running the command without parameters.


Interactively creating a database instance:

[psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:1]$ db aws_create_instance
Ok, here are the rules on creating instances:

instance id:
  Each instance needs an identifier.  This is the name
  of the virtual machine created for you on AWS.
  Rules are 1-63 alphanumeric characters, first must
  be a letter, must be unique to this AWS account.

  The maximum size of you database in GB.  Enter an
  integer between 5-1024

master username:
  The username you will use to connect.  Rules are
  1-16 alphanumeric characters, first must be a letter,
  cannot be a reserved MySQL word/phrase

master password:
  Rules are 8-41 alphanumeric characters

database name:
  The name for the first database on this instance.  Rules are
  1-64 alphanumeric characters, cannot be a reserved MySQL word

enter an identifier for the instance (see rules above): mydb
size of db in GB (5-1024): 5
master username (see rules above): UsernameXXXXX
master password (see rules above): PasswordXXXXX
name for first database on this instance (see rules): myexp
  Creating AWS RDS MySQL Instance
    id:  mydb
    size:  5  GB
    username:  UsernameXXXXX
    password:  PasswordXXXXX
    dbname:  myexp
    type: MySQL/db.t1.micro
Be sure to store this information in a safe place.
Please wait 5-10 minutes while your database is created in the cloud.
You can run 'db aws_list_instances' to verify it was created (status
will say 'available' when it is ready
[psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:1]$

db aws_delete_instance


db aws_delete_instance [<instance_id>]

Delete the RDS instance with id <instance_id>. Enter without an argument to display a list of instances from which to choose.


Deleting an AWS database instance:

[psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:0]$ db aws_delete_instance
Here are the available instances you can delete:
            mydb ( available )
Enter the instance identity you would like to delete: mydb
Deleting an instance will erase all your data associated with the
database in that instance. Really quit? y or n: y
AWS RDS database instance mydb deleted.  Run `db aws_list_instances` for current status.